Written on Jun 20, 2012
This story was wonderful. I love the concept and the locket and how cruel it often was. The characters were nice too. I was left wondering about some of the things that happened in the alternate reality and if they had actually happened in the real reality or not, but it doesnt really matter if any of the things really happened, they helped Katie to grow.
Watching Katie and Mitch together was wonderful. I loved seeing how they were meant to be together. The wedding scene really sealed it for me. Mitch was so wise about things. The end of the last time travel is heartbreaking. I cried and cried.
I expected the ending. I was wishing for it really. I think I cried harder from getting my wish than I had from the sorrow of the last time travel.
This is a really hard book to talk about without spoiling it completely. I will say, that I shouldve read this book months and months and months ago when I bought it for my kindle on sale instead of waiting all this time ignoring this perfect story.