Written on Oct 4, 2015
Soulprint starts off being extremely confusing. We are taken to the place where all the action starts, a containment island/prison, on which the "dangerous" Alina Chase is being held. On her seventeenth birthday, Alina Chase is broken out of her prison, by three people, and has to go on the run.
Soulprint had everything that I loved! It's a science fiction novel, but it's not extremely sciency. Soulprinting is a reality and a soul can view who they were in their previous life. It's a mystery and a thriller. There was fast-paced action, adrenaline pumping scenes along with a mystery that has to be discovered. There's also an extremely amazing, heart-melting romance.
Alina, the main character, is one of the most amazing characters that I have ever read about! She's intelligent and fierce, without being a beautiful, bad-ass weapon wielder. I could relate to every aspect of her personality: her insecurities, her fears and her strengths. Alina is one of the strongest characters I have ever met, emotionally and physically.
"I weight my words before I say them. They're one thing I do have control over. And so I am purposeful with them. Deliberate. I decide what to give and what to hide. I watch for reactions. I study their impact." (Alina Chase)
The characters in Soulprint are human. They make mistakes, they find a way to justify what they have done and they choose whether or not they want to learn from it. One of these very human characters was Cameron. He helps Alina to escape from containment and his character was something that I have never read in YA before. Cameron is intelligent, but it's a not-in-someones-face intelligence. He also has a keen sense of judging scenario's for what they are. I loved Cameron. I also loved the super-shippable romance between him Alina that I couldn't wait to start shipping! I also adored his sister, Casey. She was also one of those mentally strong characters that Miranda is extremely amazing at writing about.
The concepts and themes in this story is amazing. Alina is being confined because her previous soul committed a crime. The book started asking important moral questions. Does our souls define who we are? Does our past determine our future? It also provided an interesting storyline related to the whole soul printing process.
"My soul was not meant to be in a cage. Not then, and not now." (Alina Chase)
Finally the writing style blew me away and this is weird because the writing style is so simple, yet so powerful. I enjoyed Soulprint because its writing style reminded me of home, of all those simple, yet powerful book I used to read that changed my soul (pun intended).
Soulprint is a fast-paced multiple genre book that blew my brains out, in a really amazing way! This book deserves all the praise that I can give it and is highly recommended.