Written on Jan 8, 2014
Amped was really surprising and not my usual favoured read, but the synopsis was too intriguing to resist. My first Daniel H. Wilson novel was an experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Essentially, Amped is a science fiction thriller, a touch of romance, but far to fleeting to mention. Perfect for the mature young adult reader, due to Owen being just shy of thirty years old. Society is crumbling, once a celebrated invention, now those with the Amp implants are hunted and there is no biding laws to protect them. Religious groups and Pure Pride advocates want them expelled from society, believing those with the fitted devices are taking their jobs, homes and lives, as their children suffer in the shadow of fellow students who are smarter, faster and bounds ahead.
It's legal vigilantism at it's worse, Amps are less than nothing in the eyes of the new America that is on the horizon. Fight, and the Amp population will only justify the violence against them, do nothing and they run the risk of being killed, and Owen is torn between the two.
I enjoyed Daniel H. Wilson's style of writing. It's to the point, unemotional and allows the reader to form their own opinions, being far removed from my usual young adult reads. I would have liked to see the characters more animated and developed. Although Owen was the main character, it was Nick who stole the show. Nick is a child who lives within Eden, intelligent beyond his years. He and Owen form a friendship, but Nick has it tough. His implant due to being blind, his parents wanting their child to thrive, only to abandon him. My heart bled for him and a few of the scenes involving Nick are truly heartbreaking. Regardless, I really enjoyed Amped, and looking forward to checking out Daniel H. Wilson's other releases.