Charli G.
Written on Sep 13, 2008
“On The Edge” is the story of Becca Newman and Adam Drake. It’s the third book in the series, with “Dangerous Curves” being the first book, although “Dangerous Curves” is not a part of the NASCAR Library Collection. Becca Newman is the widow of five-time Nextel Cup Series champion Randy Newman. She heads up her late husband’s one-car race team. When 10-year-old Lindsey Drake makes her way, on her own and without her dad’s knowledge, to Mooresville, NC to speak with Becca about giving her dad, Adam, a chance to drive for Newman Motorsports, Becca just can’t find it in her heart to refuse.
This book keeps you wondering what will happen next as Lindsey makes some very obvious attempts at matchmaking. You’ll definitely laugh, and at one point, I even had to wipe tears away during a scene towards the end of the book, because it was one of those sad/happy moments. You’d just have to read the book to understand.
If you are a NASCAR fan and a romance fan, I highly suggest you get started on the NASCAR Library Series books by Pamela Britton. In order they are - “Dangerous Curves” (not officially a part of the NASCAR Library but first in the series), “In The Groove,” “On The Edge,” “To The Limit,” “Total Control,” and “On The Move.” The next book, according to Ms. Britton’s website, is an untitled book that comes out in late 2009. There is a story in “A NASCAR Holiday 2″ that I believe also goes somewhere in the series, probably between “Total Control” and “On The Move” but I’m not certain. I’ll have to find the book and read the story again. :)
All in all this book gets 5 stars and I definitely recommend it to any NASCAR fans out there! :)