Written on Jan 18, 2017
The pictures in this massive book are jaw-dropping and gorgeous. I think I stared at each of them for fifteen minutes. There's just so much to see.
Most of the actual science descriptions went over my head, though. I have no background in astronomy, and I picked this up out of sheer curiosity. So as someone not familiar with all these science-y terms, stuff like dark matter and dark energy went through my eyes and out my ears. I read over passages three times and couldn't absorb any of it. I can't complain too much though, because those pictures . . . damn, those pictures.
I wish the book had a sort of conclusion, because after some pictures with captions the book just . . . stopped. And the index began. There wasn't even so much as a concluding paragraph, and it kind of left me feeling disappointed.
But again, those pictures. This book is so worth picking up for those pictures.