Written on Nov 19, 2014
I really thought A Charming Crime was going to be cute. I like small town dynamics and animal companions and magic and such. But A Charming Crime just didn't deliver.
Why it didn't work for me:
From the get-go there were things that rubbed me wrong. This is going to sound like knit-picking, but sounds were written out in italics and then also described. Like "meow, meow. The cat meowed." I know, not a big deal but it bugged me and was prevalent.
But the real reason that I called it quits was that the storyline in A Charming Crime was just ridiculous. I can take a bit of humorous ridiculousness but it wasn't funny to me. A few examples:
- the main character thinks about moving. A guy randomly shows up to her house saying he has buyers who want a home just like hers. To the T. And so he whips out a contract, she signs, and he hands her a check, paying her way more than her house is worth. Really? I mean... Really?
- a murder happens (its a cozy mystery) and the main character has a couple shocking moments. Both are not really written to make us feel shock though. Its like "so and so died. Oh and she had x in her hand. That's not good." Queue eye rolling. Except our main character is so overwhelmed she faints. Only to awaken, be told "we know this secret about you and its pretty unbelievable and confusing" and she accepts it completely, no questions. She just suddenly understands this big, confusing thing. And then for some reason that I was kind of unclear on, she faints again. Really?
- our main character is brand new to this town and way of life, but they decide she needs to lead this ritual. And what do you know, she knows exactly what to do - without any instruction. That would have been bad enough, but the whole ritual and the way it played out made me roll my eyes. And close my book. That was it. I was done.
Here's the deal - I read a lot of paranormal and maybe I expect too much believability in my paranormal. If your okay with in your face obviousness you might like it. Although I will say I have no idea who murdered the lady - that mystery is solid and if I cared enough about the world or characters (not one stood out well enough for me to know their name) it probably would be satisfying.
So it didn't work for me and I'm calling it.