Written on Aug 4, 2020
The worldbuilding here. Wow.
I was immediately entranced by what Rutkoski has created here. It's something new yet drawing from ancient mythology in ways. We get some lovely references to poetry but always with a twist.
The book comes with many interesting aspects that provide some food for thought. Furthermore, the character development was on point and I was more than excited to follow along with Nirrim.
Rutkoski does a great job setting up the story, peppering in twists, turns, and surprises while enveloping the reader in a world of magic - and deceit.
It was almost impossible to put down this book as was drawn to this world she had created. I wanted to learn more, figure out how everything works, where the magic comes from, what it does. You always get just enough to understand what's going on but you're still left wanting more.
Speaking of wanting more! That ending! Oh, what a cliffhanger! I had not realized that would be more books when I started reading, so I was a bit surprised and stunned when I turned the final pages. I need to know what happens next RIGHT NOW!