It didn't matter that I first read them all out of order, I was still entranced by the story of Laura and her family. I eventually collected them all, not caring about the mismatched covers - some hardcovers and others paperback, some new and some purchased secondhand. I only cared about the stories, and I devoured them, reading them over and over.
It was a well-known fact that I loved the stories, and I would receive Little House on the Prairie books and memorabilia from family and even teachers.
As I got older, I still returned to the prairie often, rereading the series once a year, as well as reading biographies and her letters. As an adult, I now have a matching box set of the books, though I also still have my original mismatched set.
That being said, I was a little hesitant to read this book, the phrase "never meet your idols" floating around at the back of my mind. However, I am glad I finally gave in and decided to read it.
It was an eye-opening look at one of my favorite authors, illuminating the truth behind the books and the strained relationship between Laura and her daughter, Rose. I already knew a bit about their relationship so I wasn't completely blindsided, but I wasn't aware at just how strained it was in reality.
Caroline Fraser is an excellent writer, turning what could have been a dull biography in a lesser writer's hands into a wonderful, well-researched look into Laura's life, the good and the bad. I admittedly sometimes struggle with finishing nonfiction or biographies about historical figures because they can be so dry, but that's not the case here. Fraser gives the facts, sometimes using Laura's own words, and talks about not just Laura's life but about the history of the things going on in the world at the same time.
It adds a lot of historical context to some of the stories in the series, making it a fascinating read even if you aren't a fan of Little House on the Prairie.
It sheds light on the fact that the books weren't entirely true, a disappointing thing to find out after almost thirty years, although it's understandable why she fictionalized bits of it. It was interesting to find out the truth behind some of the changes, however, even if some of the reasons were sad.
The only thing that was slightly frustrating was how much time was devoted to her daughter, Rose, though I realize that's unavoidable since the majority of the book focuses on Laura's adult life, as well as the fact that Rose helped Laura with editing, and according to some people, writing bits of the books. By all accounts, Rose was not an agreeable person, something that's made clear here, but her inclusion in most of the book was not enough to make me lower the rating.
The book, as a whole, is a remarkable feat - spanning the whole of Laura's life and beyond, as well as her daughter's - and it's painstakingly researched. It's never dull, and I found myself not wanting to put it down, reading well past my bedtime several nights.
In short, if you're a fan of the Little House on the Prairie series and want to know more about the books or Laura Ingalls Wilder, I would highly recommend this biography.