Written on Jul 30, 2018
Fast forward seven months and it was my first chance to pick up another of his books. He has not disappointed me at all!
This book is such a cute and easy read. Doesn’t matter you know what is going to happen to the lead characters it is how they get there, that is the fun part.
Emma being Madam Love, (actually) finds true love for people by what she sees in her crystal ball. She, however, is not a fraud. She can really find you your soulmate! She guides you to do three things to do and if you do all three you will meet your soul mate.
Lance, a non-believer of soul mates, writes a book and calls her a fraud, all because what had happened in the past. Now they have a challenge set live on air, Madam love has to find him a soulmate. Oh, darling what could go wrong.
Well, plenty actually...
Lance meets his soul mate, the one he never thought he would meet, didn't believe he would meet. He took her on the best dates, coincidence or not it happened. He fell in love with her within two weeks, the only problem his soul mate is Emma.....yes Emma, you know Emma, you know who I mean, ok ok well she is Madam Love. (Don't worry it is not a spoiler, I checked first!)
I have also got to do a shout out to a character I loved Typo the dog (and I am a cat person!) he is such a cute dog, and he knew when he saw Emma that she was the one for Lance, especially as he growled at anyone who went near Lance lol.
The story with these two was so funny to read! How they ended up in the same places and how she was reading her own destiny without realising it. I am a huge believer of soul mates so I was hooked, lined and sinkered (I know it's not a real word) with this book. The only thing I couldn't get my head around was the whole Superman/Clarke Kent, Supergirl/Kara, Batman/Bruce Wayne (you get the picture), scenario how did Lance not realise it was her! But to be fair, it added to the charm and the zap of the story.
I was completely engrossed in this book and didn’t want any interruptions ( blinking lunch breaks being too short) even doing bedtime with the little one, I read it to her because I didn’t want to put it down. It was a welcome read after all the dark thrillers I have read lately, and who can go wrong with a bit of romance! The book was cute, light and non-stop, I loved the banter between the three characters - Emma and Madam Love are two separate people, now come on...keep up. When I read the acknowledgements at the end of the book, I found out that Emma/Madam Love had a cameo in another book...so you know the score right....need me to get on to Amazon and buy Lilliana Jones and the Temple of Groom.
Until next time