Cocktails and Books
Written on May 16, 2012
Snyder and Tripp chase storms, but they have been in a solid relationship with each other for nine years. They've known Kate for five of those years and always felt like she was an addition they'd like to make to their unit. When they finally get her to agree, they spend a passionate night together and think they finally have everything they've wanted.
Kate is scarred by childhood being raised by parents who cared more about their social status and possession than their children. While this doesn't seem to bother Kate's brothers, she troubled by it and has spent her adult life living as an adrenaline junkie to try and hide that pain. With Synder and Tripp she finally feels like she's found a place where she belongs, but she's not sure coming between the two of them is what they need.
Snyder and Tripp spent a lot of time together and separately convincing a skiddish Kate of what they want and trying to understand how she feels (which is almost impossible since she rarely voices her feelings). It seems Kate's more comfortable and showing the boys how she feels.
The story is an adrenaline high. Not only from the hot, hot, hot, hot sex our threesome have but also from the storm chasing that goes on. It's a toss up about which part of the story I like the best, because together when those storylines converge it's like an F5 tornado!