Written on Jan 1, 2016
Firstly, this cook book assumes that everyone at college lives near somewhere that you can easily buy vegan friendly meat and dairy replacements. It might be a bit easier in the US, but in the UK, without spending a fortune at a wholefoods store it was close to impossible. Cooking with these ingredients on a regular basis, despite them being spectacularly unhealthy, would have bankrupted me in a few months. There are so many quick, easy vegetable based meals that are healthy and take next to no time. The fact that this cook book chooses to focus on meat and dairy replacements and using a microwave as a cooking utensil just shows that the stereotype of unhealthy vegans is not entirely unfounded.
It's so important to have a balanced, healthy diet, especially when you're in college. As a vegan you need to make sure your meals are balanced well. We pick up the habits for the rest of our lives in college and if this cook book is any indication we'll have a generation of very unhealthy Vegans.