Written on Jul 6, 2016
My second reading of the Circle Trilogy is just as wonderful as the first time around. Vampires, time travel, and alternate dimensions are new elements for Roberts, and yet she seamlessly intertwines them into an interesting world. The romance between Hoyt and Gleena is the least interesting quality to the novel despite all the attention spent developing it. Honestly, their romance suffers from timing. If they had more time together building their relationship (such as Moira and Cian) then perhaps their romance would have been more interesting.
Lilith is an intriguing villain, although I would have liked a bit more development on her motivation. Why is she developing an army to take over the world and, in particular, Geall? Perhaps the future novels address this question, but it would have been nice to have some sense of her motivation in this first installment. Additionally, Morrigan shows Gleena other worlds which could be affected by the coming war. Why are none of those worlds creatures helping out? Why is it only up to Earth and Geall to solve a problem that could effect multiple alternate realities? Inquiring minds would like to know...
tl;dr Despite an instant love romance between the main characters, Roberts crafts an intriguing world full of several fantasy elements.