Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
“I want three chickie legs and a big ole bunch of taters,” Gracie announced as she pointed to the food in the steam table. “Lotsa gravy, too—right, Matthias? Do you like lotsa gravy on your taters?”
“That looks like awesome gravy.” Matthias smiled at the women who were filling his plate. “If I could have some on my chicken as well as my taters,” he said, winking at Gracie, “that would be wonderful. Denki, ladies. This is a fabulous meal.”
As Rose gazed around the crowded greenhouse, looking for three empty chairs, she was very aware that folks were watching her—whispering about the man who followed her between the tables, carrying Gracie as though she were his. Rose wanted to announce, loud and clear, that Matthias Wagler was only here for the food.
But they’ll know that’s not true. Just like you do.
Rose’s cheeks tingled with heat. She hurried toward the last unoccupied table in the back corner of the big glassed-in room, not meeting anyone’s gaze. Settling into a folding chair, Rose sighed heavily as she gazed at the plate she’d filled. Why had she taken so much food when she had no appetite? Why had her attention wandered as she’d listened to Matthias’s voice and watched him hold Gracie against his hip as though he’d done that dozens of times? She smiled weakly at him as he gently set Gracie in the chair beside hers. Because she couldn’t think of a thing to say, Rose took Gracie’s hand and bowed her head in prayer. She heard Matthias sit in the chair on the other side of her daughter.
What have I gotten myself into, Lord? I’ve just buried my mother yet I’m allowing this man I’ve met only once to sit with me and to entertain my little girl. This feels so improper—and everyone else is thinking I’ve wandered off the straight and narrow, too.
Rose’s eyes fluttered open. Was God displeased with her behavior? Had she really lost her way? Now that she’d given in to Gracie’s fascination with Matthias, how could she tell him she wanted nothing more to do with him? She glanced at him and nipped her lip.
He’s still in prayer before his meal. Gracie has put her tiny hand on top of his big strong one. How can that be so wrong when it looks so right? So sweet.
My Thoughts:
I absolutely loved this book! It really and truly hit home with me. As somone who lost their own mother, reading Rose's story was close to my heart. This story wasn't just about Rose losing her mother, though. It's so much more than that.
Among the pages of this book you'll find hope, warmth, secrets, love and laughter. Rose's daughter will quickly steal your heart! Each page turn made me feel a part of Rose's story as if I was there, among the Amish. I love that! And Matthias' character. Lordy. I loved his character. He was a strong widower and wonderful for the part he played in Rose's journey.
If you are looking for a book that is about second chances, and love, faith and hope, then this book is for you. The Amish are considered Plain, but in A Mother's Love they are anything but. Ms. Hubbard has once again created a 4 star read that is worthy of recommendations and keeping on the shelf forever. Well done, Ms. Hubbard!
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This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads