Vice is about to up her game from fake stocks to milk-cowing a billionaire. The idea is that Vice will get him interested and worked up and then hold out until he starts plying her with expensive gifts which her family can pawn. The billionaire in her sights is the elusive Dmitri Sevastyan. It doesn't hurt when said billionaire is stunningly gorgeous. What does concern her is the fact that if he were a grifter instead of a gull, Dmitri would be what is known as a thrall, because every time Vice is hit with Dmitri's intense stare, she's the one who wants to submit to his every wish. She has to keep reminding herself to keep her mind in the game before she gives up everything that Dmitri demands.
No matter how enthralling Dmitri is, he seems to be making it too easy for Vice to work the grift on him. What rabbit puts his own neck in the snare? Like her family always says "If it looks to good to be true, it is." Vice's grifter sense are pinging like crazy that something is not quite right about Dmitri, but her family's desperation and her own uncontrollable desires are keeping her playing the game with the crazy Russian.
Can Vice turn her milk-cow into a long con and keep the billionaire for herself? As she tries to maneuver Dmitri up the aisle, she starts to get the feeling that this gull isn't quite so gullible.
I freaking loved this story! This was great storytelling. The Game Maker was Kresley Cole's first non-paranormal series, and it was an absolute winner. The Professional was well-done especially since it was originally released in three parts and each time it ended it left you tortured until the next release. Personally, I thought The Master was the sexiest of the three tales. But it is The Player that takes the prize for story.
I have to admit that I thought Dmitri would be set up with Natalie's friend Jess. I figured her over-the-top behavior would be hiding some dark past which would mirror Dmitri's pain and they would be perfect for each other. I was originally disappointed when I first read the synopsis and saw the information about Vice and her family being grifters and working a scam on Dmitri. We know the family's dark past from the first two stories and we also know that Dmitri suffered the most out of the three brothers. I envisioned some evil, cold bitch playing with Dmitri, who has already been through so much. I wasn't sure I wanted to read it, but of course, I was going to.
I should have known better. Of course it is probably pathetic to so easily accept the story of a happy family of grifters with hearts of gold and like modern-day Robin Hoods who only steal and swindle the rich, degenerates who are in Vegas to make a killing or to be unfaithful to their spouse. Kresley makes it hard for us to dislike Victoria and her family even thought they are conning, swindling and blackmailing people, because they only target bad people.
Because of Dmitri's past, I was a little angsty reading this story because the closer Victoria and Dmitri grew, the more I stressed what would happen to poor Dmitri when he found out it was all a scam, or at least, started out that way. Would he ever trust that her feelings were real? Then I would relax because of course, Kresley Cole would have a plan and wouldn't destroy the poor, fragile Dmitri. But then Victoria would start fretting about how Dmitri was going to react when he found out that her family was grifters and he was the gull on their scam, and then I would stress out again. You could already see his crazy flag was flying half mast for most of the story.
There's no way I am going to tell you anymore and spoil the story for you. Just know that it is definitely worth it. Even if you haven't read the first two, Dmitri will confess his story to Vika, as he calls her, so you won't be lost. It is marketed as erotic but it isn't all bondage and sex like some erotica so if that is usually a no-no for you, keep it mind it is bondage-light. It is the story here is definitely the draw.
Once again I say, "Well played, Ms. Cole. Well played!"
This review was originally posted on EBookObsessed