Written on Mar 1, 2015
First Date: We meet Maddie Donovan as she is walking down a rural rode on the outskirts of Revival, Illinois. She is wearing a wedding dress and has blisters on her toes. A sign ahead says “BAR” and she is determined to make it there. Right away, I am curious about why she thinks she deserves the blisters on her feet. When she walks into the bar, she gets a little nervous. It caters to bikers and truckers, but standing behind the counter is Mitch Riley and Maddie and I have to lift our drooling jaws of the floor. Turns out Mitch owns the joint, and he takes one look at Maddie and realizes she is in trouble. Conversation, a little laughter and he impulsively decides to offer her a room for the night. Ooo things are about to get interesting and I am all in.
Second date: Well, well, well both Mitch and Maddie are not at all, as they appear. On the surface, she appears to be a good Catholic girl and Mitch a blue-collar hard working bar owner. Both are damaged by the past and fear. It was delightful watching these two interact. I giggled, shook my head and felt flutters of excitement at their growing attraction. Secondary characters are brilliant with snark and it is clear that both Maddie and Mitch have a strong network of family and friends. We slowly learn why Maddie ditched her groom and it felt genuine. We get some heat and it was intense, beautiful and hot.
Third date: I love Mitch, but he needs to let people in and seeing him realize how much Maddie has opened him up was heart-warming. Maddie is blooming, taking a stand and the more she does the more I adore her. I could totally see myself hanging out with them and their crazy friends. Dawson keeps the drama and angst low, with just enough to make my heart skip and have me reading non-stop. I love when a book gets me completely caught up and I lose track of time. Mitch made me swoon and while at times, I wanted to slap him on the back of the head, Gibb’s style (NCIS) he also made me melt into a puddle. I closed this book with a satisfied smile on my face. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer