Written on Jul 3, 2020
I still really enjoyed listening to Melt for You but I have to admit that the second time around was a different experience. The first time I listened, I didn't know who was good, who was a douchewaffle, and who was capable of recovering from manwhoreitis. This time, I was infuriated every time Joellen was being negative about herself. My blood was boiling with every smarmy comment out of the douchewaffles mouth. I tutt-tutted the manwhore for his immature antics...until he woke up to himself. I was a wee bit frustrated that so much time was wasted before the couple got together. I knew how good he could be...why couldn't she? I loved the journey, it just gave me a very different experience from my first listen.
Seriously, Pippa Jayne, the narrator, was awesome. Again, I was overwhelmed with admiration for her skills. Her accents were amazing and brought each of the characters to life for me.
Melt for You is an awesome story, and while I enjoyed it, I'm not sure it was as good as my first listen. So, if you haven't listened to this one yet, do it, you won't regret it.
Bloody Brilliant!!
Sometimes, a book comes into your life that at the end of the journey, you are thankful you got the chance to experience it. I absolutely loved my journey listening to Melt for You. It has the perfect mix of humour, sexiness, emotion and a smidge of angst to keep things interesting. This is the kind of book that makes me glad to be a romance reader and is going on my Best-of-the-Bestest shelf.
The narrator does a fabulous job with multiple characters and different accents. I had no problems knowing when the characters changed and I recognised their voice/accents straight away to identify who was talking. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this one and think that the experience was enjoyed more because of the talents of the narrator. There is no way I would/could do it justice if I had read it myself.
Melt for You is my favourite kind of contemporary romance. It was paced perfectly and I never felt like it was drawn out or dragged. The characters came alive for me and I loved that the heroine was someone I could relate to and live vicariously through. The hero is definitely the kind of guy that gets my heart pumping. He’s the naughty boy who comes good when he realises the perfect woman is in front of him. Cameron will do anything to make sure he’s in Joellen’s orbit…even help her attract another man.
A slight vulnerability in both characters made them even more lovable. Joellen doesn't see her beauty because she's always felt ugly around her beautiful family. Cameron makes her believe in the beauty he sees. It doesn't take long for Joellen to realise that Cameron is more than just a party boy. She shows him friendship when most people only want him for his good looks, fame and fortune. I loved that they brought out the best in each other.
Again, I fell into the trap of falling in love with my audiobook which means it was over and done with too quickly. I couldn’t help myself, and in some ways, I don’t regret it. It’s kind of weird to think I got a little swoony over listening to a woman who does...performs...puts on, a man’s voice. But, it may have a wee bit to do with the Scottish accent.
If you’re a reader, you will love Melt for You. If you’re an audio listener you will love Melt for You. Either way, you can’t go wrong…AND…the audio was only a couple of dollars in you’ve bought the Kindle version. BARGAIN!!!
Now that I’ve found J.T. Geissinger there’s a pretty good chance that this is the start of a new and beautiful friendship…in a non-stalkerish, book-nerdy love, kind of way.