Written on Jan 6, 2019
CRUCIBLE is a relatively short prequel to this authors upcoming AFFLICTION series that is due to be released in 2019. I am honestly not sure what to say that I haven't said ten thousand times when it comes to this author. I am starting to sound like a broken record (lol). I simply love this author. Even the few less than stellar books are still very enjoyable reads. She does dark and twisted as no one can...
So yea, no surprise here I loved this one. We are basically given a little teaser of things to come. A brief introduction to the Blackwood family and their twisted ways. Is it wrong to find raping psychos hot? Ya, don't answer that (lol). However, sexy I did find them, and I can't wait to delve deeper into this family, and see how Raelynn is going to fair as part of their games. This book was probably a little lighter on the blood and gore than a lot of this author's books, but as I mentioned, we are just getting started, so I am sure there will be lots debauchery and blood in the following books.
Really I don't have a lot more to say about it. I enjoyed it immensely, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book.