Written on Aug 13, 2017
Charlotte is so sunny and optimistic! I loved that about her and I enjoyed that she didn't lose that over the course of the book. Both she and Max are fresh from breakups so they are a bit insecure and wary of new relationships. However, their relationship was a bit of a side plot. Not necessarily a bad thing, but this is more a mystery story with a side of romance than a romantic suspense (in my opinion anyway!)
So, Jocelyn is Charlottes step sister. She was raped in college and the case went cold. Now, she is finding some links between rapes like hers and this investment club. So, she investigates. Yeah....we all know how THAT ends up!
There are SO MANY plots that this could have filled 5 books. No joke-there is so much going on you have to pay attention every moment. While I didn't mind that, it was difficult to keep up with everything. And with a book this long, you can't read it in one sitting, so trying to remember what happened every time I picked it back up was tricky. There are also so many POVs-main characters, side characters, etc. I love multiple pov, but this was a little overwhelming at times.
Bottom Line: great characters (even secondary characters are well developed), well crafted suspense, but a whole lot going on that might be overwhelming to some people.