Written on Dec 30, 2014
So, I started off liking this book. Megan found out that she can see demons/angels when she was at camp. Then finds out that Mr. Z, her camp counselor, is a real, live actual angel named Zadok. Great, awesome. Then it got a bit preachy, but hey it’s a Christian fantasy, and I knew what I was getting into when I started reading.
Once Megan started back to school, the book started going a little bit downhill for me. But when Megan converts Vania (a Goth), it started getting preachy. Which is great for people who enjoy these types of books. For me, not so great. I kept an open mind when I continued to read.
The book continued to leave a bad taste in my mouth until the rather sudden ending. This is a book where I will not be reading the next book in the series. No offense to the author but I can’t. I am Christian, and I can’t stand it when someone’s beliefs are forced down someone’s throat.
**I voluntarily reviewed this book**
Blog Link: https://readwithme2018.com/2014/12/30/angel-in-the-shadows-angel-book-1-by-lisa-grace/