Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 30, 2017
We first come up on it when the male love interest, Dr. Trevor Marshall, is asking the captain of the ship for a job. Then we zoom right off to Kira Wells, the main character of the book, and her island. The thing that had me a bit worried about reading this book is that I don’t really read that many books that are historical fiction and that’s what this book is and in the past when I read historical fiction I stop reading it when I have to stop and figure out what word they would have said in my time. Except in this book it wasn’t like that. Sure some of the words were a bit weird but then my brain immediately knew what word they meant to say since the islanders can speak English since they are learning but some of the words come out a bit weird. Along with one other person on the boat with Trevor.
This book had me guessing on what made it like an adult version of Treasure Island as I kept on wondering what would the Captain be after on the island that he couldn’t find anywhere else. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time reading this book even though I know that I’ve been reading this book for a while but I couldn’t stop thinking about it the entire time I was away from it wondering what was happening in these people’s lives.
Kira Wells is basically a young woman trying to keep the people of this island that she’s been on since she was a young girl helping her parents with teaching the islanders how to talk in English and trying to keep them safe from outsiders like the Captain destroying their fields. Not only that but she chooses to stay instead of going back to Australia where she is from. I find that all very fascinating and I loved the way that she just right away disliked the Captain and knew that he was there for more than just trading like he said he was.
Doctor Trevor Marshall is basically a young man only being on the ship because he needs to look at plants and things that could help his research on finding cures for different ailments and thinks going on a quest to some different places will do that. He also serves as two different purposes for the Captain which made the Captain hire him instead of having to hire two different people. The two things he can do is one, of course, being a doctor, and two being a botanist. The second one is very helpful for when they get to the island on making sure that fields aren’t messed up by them not taking the proper care of them like the islanders would do and like the other traders have done from before.
This story is not only an adventure one for the whole thing of looking for treasure but also one that is filled with action and romance. The romance one is like any one that involves the girl trying not to accept that she is falling for a handsome stranger but ends up realizing that she does and then having a whirlwind romance that makes them both sad on the day when the other has to leave. Except do they have to end things? You can easily find out by reading the book.
This book is so good that I’m giving it five stars and I loved it a lot. I am glad that I had the opportunity to read this book as it didn’t disappoint me at all.
Anyways until next time please enjoy this review,
Baroness Book Trove.
I was asked to review this book by the publisher for an honest review.