Written on Jul 26, 2018
Deep Storm follows Dr. Peter Crane, a Naval doctor who has been asked to take on an extraordinary task — go to a facility 2 miles below the ocean surface and identify what is making people ill. While there, he finds that things are not what they seem, and the ramifications could be literally earth-shaking.
I don’t want to say too much about what is actually happening that far below the ocean, but it’s a little bit science fiction, a little bit supernatural. I enjoyed the story, even though I usually don’t care for science-heavy story lines. It helped a lot when the action picked up! I also don’t really understand this books designation as the first of the Jeremy Logan series, because Logan is an extremely minor character in the story.
I generally put Child’s stand-alone work in the same category as Clive Cussler’s — fun adventure stories with a science-y twist.