Written on Sep 13, 2013
I think we used to sit around fires and tell these stories. I think sometimes, the lucky times, we still do. I think that’s all I ever look for in a book these days, the kinds of stories that belong with fires, that I want to hear again and again and again while they get like good whiskey with age.
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First reviewed, August 2012: Let’s see, five stars for every story... the math is too high. I loved this. Beyond love. Of course.
One of the best things I find about William Gay— something in common with Rick Bass, Cormac McCarthy, see a pattern developing here?— is that his men are old souls. Broken, hard-knocked, perceptive and wise and then you read that they’re 22, 24, 28. It’s such a pleasure, such a relief after other books treat those ages like babies. It makes me feel like there’s a part of the world where I fit after all.
Here: where I started to write a list of favorites but it was just every story. I loved that Bonedaddy either survived Quincy Nell to die by Scribner’s hand three stories later, or Bonedaddy is such the specter and legend that his death happened a hundred different times, a hundred different ways.