Written on Aug 25, 2011
Additionally, there are multiple scenes with Tempe's ex-husband and his fiancee which seem to be serving as comedic relief, but the book ends without any examination or resolution of Pete's unhappiness that Tempe notices. Full conversations between Tempe and Pete about this would have been a welcomed way to beef up the page count. There's also a few paragraphs dedicated to telling the reader about some family drama with Tempe's sister and nephew, but I was at a loss for whether this has been brought up in earlier books or if it was just a random infodump of an undeveloped side plot. It seemed like meaty stuff that was deserving of a lot more narrative attention than it received.
On the plus side, I felt like Flash and Bones kept the repetitive explain-y bits to a bare minimum, which should be the case when you're at book #14 in a series. But maybe this is why its page count is so anemic. While the mystery was good as always, I read this series because I like Tempe, and I really hope that Reichs decides to spend more time and attention on Tempe's personal life in the next book rather than just giving us some crumbs in between the mystery scenes.