Written on Apr 27, 2020
This is just really hard to rate ahhhh! It’s so hard to differentiate between myself, how I do or do not relate to the book, and the book itself.
I loved the eclectic, doodle-like art, it was almost like a graphic novel? A picture book for adults? Lol; but I don’t know about the content. I do think it is a GREAT start to learning how to meditate.
I don’t think I gave the book’s instructions/ suggestions enough of a chance at this moment, to rate this properly? I was reading, to learn, not actively trying to meditate. I do plan to at some point. I will update this review with that information, so you will have a point of reference for whether this book is for you or not! :-). I will also re-rate the book at that time. Who knows? It could have a possibly different rating.
To share some personal experience where I HAVE had success:
The only place i’ve personally felt peace is the ocean- snorkeling in the ocean, to be exact. It’s one of the only reasons to like living in South Florida, after all! lol. So yeah; Just me- in this vast body of water that I might as well be speck of dust in... and I just am filled with wonder & peace as these beautiful fish, sea turtles (YES! Sea turtles!!!) eels, BARRACUDA, those HUGE silver scaled fish that freak me the hell out because they look like sharks sometimes (yes, THOSE do knock me out of my peaceful state in the Ocean lol), & all kinds of colorful reef fish, swim by. In those moments, my thoughts dissipate, my body fades away, and I just feel... wonder, elatedness, & AWE.
But anyway enough about me.