Kim Deister
Written on Nov 28, 2014
Holiday Hat Trick is not on the ice this time, but takes place over the league-mandated holiday days off. It centers on a newer player, Mitch Quincey. He and his wife Mia have been divorced for several months, a decision that was Mia's. He is still desperately in love with her, but has realized that winning her back is a lost cause. So his focus this vacation is to get the last of his things, file for joint custody, and see his little girl as much as possible. I was in love with him from the moment he began to coo about his daughter!
I was prepared to dislike Mia, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to understand her position, because this is a man who clearly loved her and their daughter and who was a legitimately good guy. A good guy that she tossed aside. But as we got to know her, I realized that there were reasons that she did what she did, reasons that I could wholy understand.
This is the thing I love most about these books, besides the hockey!! That the stories revolve around real people with real issues. The same kind of issues we all may face at some point in our lives.
Things to love...
--Mitch as a dad. The love he had for his daughter was touching.
--Mia. I related and I understood how she felt.
--Mitch as an uncle. I loved how he was with the other kids in the story. As a mom myself, there is nothing sexier!
My Recommendation: While this could be read as a standalone, I love the series so much that I say... READ THEM ALL!!