Written on Sep 1, 2018
I enjoyed this book so much! My love of romance is well-known, and well, in simplest terms, this was a romance. You may hear people say something about a love triangle, but that was non-existent for me. All I saw was Pippa and Declan. I shipped them from the get-go. They had a little bit of a friendly competition between them, and I think each was somewhat threatened by the other, but once they were assigned their duet, their friendship started to flourish. I mean, they figuratively AND literally made music together. What more could you ask for?
I loved these two together, but I also loved them apart. Pippa was a force to be reckoned with. She was so focused and so driven. I really admire people, who dedicate themselves to something with their heart, body, and soul, and you could tell this was the case with Pippa. She was so lucky to have such an awesome, supportive family too, because that was not necessarily the case with Declan.
Declan had a strained relationship with his father after the divorce, and his mother was often absent due to her career. I know Declan was almost 18, but he still needed his parents' love and support. My heart ached a little for him.
I have to believe that Albright is a music lover, because the passion and adoration Pippa had for music was very authentic. I also thought the scenes, where she was playing, were so well written. I found myself swept up in the melody of it all. And the quotes featured at the beginning of each chapter were such a lovely little extra. I looked forward to them as each chapter began.
I had some small issues with this book. I struggled a little with Pippa's best friend. She was pretty selfish and self-centered, and seemed to have a history of not being a great best friend. However, I think Albright did a decent job addressing that later in the book, and I was able to move past it, because like I said, this was all about the Pippa and Declan for me.
I am well known for being an endings critic, and I am here to say: A+ ending. I smiled, experienced lots of feels, and was just so elated from the ending to this book. It was everything I could have wished for, and there's nothing like going out on a high note.
Make no mistake, the tears I cried were happy tears. This book wrapped its arms around this romance lovers heart, and held tight. It was such a joy to be a part of Pippa's journey, and I found that my only complaint was: I wanted more.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.