Written on Jan 22, 2013
There is no debating the fact that THE IVY by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur is young adult, despite the fact that the story takes place in college. Why? Because it’s like the characters never left high school. THE IVY is centered around gossip, drama, and hooking up. There’s really no depth to the college setting – except that it gave the authors more excuses to include sex, alcohol, and drugs.
THE IVY by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur lacks any likeable characters. The characters are obnoxious and over-exaggerated caricatures. The protagonist, Callie, is very difficult to like because her moral compass is so way off. She’s quite over-dramatic and self-centered. Her character changes for the worst, and by the end of the book, I loathed her. Her friends aren’t any better. They are annoying and they engage in ridiculous shenanigans.
For all the drama crammed into one book, you would think that the characters had never left high school. The fact that all of this can happen to one group of friends is also unrealistic. The gossip and drama are never-ending. Most of the time, I think their problems are so juvenile that it makes it so hard to believe that these people would actually be my age.
You know I didn’t like a book when I can’t think of one good thing to highlight in a review. THE IVY by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur is not worth your time.