Written on Oct 30, 2019
I found this concept refreshing, I loved the idea of popping a pill to be able to change something about you. I mean let us be honest who has not thought about it before! However, the dark side of this tale makes you realise to be happy with what you have! Nothing apart from you should alter you. That in itself is a powerful message.
When reading this I could feel influences from Hunger Games and Divergent and a bit of the Walking Dead, but at the same time, I did feel this was fresh and exciting. Tris and Katniss are both special in their own way in their stories and Silver is too. Why she is special, well I can’t tell you that! But we have a powerful kick-ass main character who at the same time is a young woman trying to forge her own path in life before everything kicks off. Silver is determined and very headstrong but what I did love is for a change she listened. She listened to everyone and did not go off galavanting by herself and have to be rescued. She held her own and her friends, her team worked together and this is not something you see often but works perfectly. It’s not to say they all liked each other but they learned to be a team with a mixture of abilities and adjusted and unadjusted.
I really truly did love this book and I blitzed it pretty much over 2 days around work and mini-me. I actually feel quite bereft that this is over, but I am excited to know that there is the second book in the works, I just want it now!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH