Written on Dec 17, 2019
The Long Farewell is the 17th Inspector Appleby mystery by Michael Innes. First published in 1958, this reformat and re-release from Agora Books, out 12th Dec 2019, is 184 pages and available in ebook format (other editions in most other formats). Worth noting for Kindle Unlimited subscribers, this book, along with most of the rest of the series, are included in the KU subscription library to borrow and read for free.
I have been a fan of the Inspector Appleby mysteries as long as I can remember and I revisit them regularly. They're a lighthearted brand of classic British mystery with intricate plots and well defined (if archetypal) characters and the dialogue is often witty and stylish. They're self aware and not above poking good-hearted fun at everything from the class system to academia to police procedurals. They never devolve into mean-ness or ad hominem attacks and the good guys generally get their man (or woman) in the end. This one is true to form and I am not quite sure how it happened, but I don't remember having read it before.
The book has aged well, despite its 60+ years. The prose is crisp and nuanced. The language is possibly slightly more academic than modern cozies. Due diligence in reading is richly rewarded with many subtly humorous exchanges. There's a scene between Inspector Appleby and Professor Prodger which was perfect and surprised a chuckle out of me. It's lovely to read a classic, very well written, good humored, solidly British mystery.
This edition includes a very short informative author bio. The ebook format also has handy interactive links to some of Michael Innes' works. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.
Four stars. A fun light read and very well written.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.