Written on Apr 17, 2016
Kyle and Cloudy are trying to survive after having their ex-girlfriend/best friend die in an accident six months ago. Cloudy appears to be handling everything very well but she isn't. Kyle doesn't know how to deal with this death and it shows. When Cloudy finds out that Ashlyn's organs were donated, she sets out to visit the the people that received the organs and drags Kyle alone with her without telling him what the road-trip is about until they reach their first destination.
I swear something's wrong with me. This book had it all to be amazing and all the raving reviews on Goodreads prove it but I couldn't love it. I know it wasn't my mood because I was super excited for it but I didn't click with it. I was so close to DNF'ing this book but if you know me, then you know it's hard for me to DNF a book so I pushed through. For the first 65% or 70%, the book was sloooow.
Seriously, I couldn't deal. My excitement for this book died very early on in the story because not much was really happening. That's saying a lot because this book has a road-trip and I love road-trips!! But this one was so boring. It started off slow, giving us a background on Cloudy and Kyle. To me, the background didn't add much to the story. It did at the beginning but then it was dragged on for nothing because it didn't really add anything. It didn't make me feel sympathetic at all and I was just over it all, but I kept reading because I was excited for the road-trip.
Well, nothing happened. Once again, the road-trip didn't add much in my opinion. Even through the death of a friend these two teens experienced, I couldn't feel sorry for them. The book took on a very somber feel to it and it got really difficult for me to want to finish this book. The romance felt so forced! Even when they previously had feelings for each other, I couldn't believe it at all.
Overall, this book didn't impress me at all and it bums me because this was one of my 2016 anticipated releases.
I received an eARC for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.