Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.
PigInaWigBooks.com |emmavirjan.com
... A Pig in a Wig is funny and perfect as an early reader book. Building, repetition, and sequence. Friendship is the main theme and I think this one would be great for the classroom and acting out. I'm eager to share it with my budding readers.
I was delighted with the first book for the new A Pig in a Wig Series and I'm just as enthusiastic about the second book if not more so. A great bedtime book, but also one for naps, or any reading practice in between. Short building phrases and animal interest keep this quirky pig in a great pile for reading practice.
Head over to the Pig in a Wig site and download Activity Pages and a Curriculum Guide!
This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.