Angela Marsons is one of the greatest crime writers, ever. Yes, that is a big statement and yes, I said that. Her D.I. Kim Stone books have been keeping me on the edge of my seat for 2 years and it's incredibly hard to believe that it has only been two years, because it feels like Angela and Kim have been around forever. We are so incredibly lucky that Angela seems to write so fast and that we have had six books since 2015. There's to be (at least) 16 in total and that just blows my mind with excitement, to see what Kim, Bryant, Stacey and Kev can get themselves up to book after book, and what kind of cases come their way.
In Dead Souls, the team are split in two as Kim partners with Detective Tom Travis, from West Murcia when bones are found straddling the two counties, while the rest of Kim's team get to work on solving hate crimes that seem to be going around. It was pretty interesting to see both Kim away from her team, having to work with someone she clearly doesn't get along with/has had a spat with and her team have to manage without her. I'm so used to them all working together, putting their heads together and solving cases quickly and efficiently and to see them split in half was a bit sad. Even more so, since Stacey seemed to be particularly bothered by everything occurring. I've always felt Stacey's a bit softer, a bit more sensitive than the rest of the team and this comes to the fore during Dead Souls. She feels like she's not getting enough credit, that they're leaving her out of the investigation and it was interesting to see where her own leads took her, since no one else was particularly interested, as the boys were busy with their own stuff and Kim was working her case in West Mercia.
The team that's been built in six books is incredible. They're a small team, there's only four of them after all, plus the occasional appearance from Woody, and I love all the new bits we learn about the team members because it feels like they're becoming real with each and every book. I loved seeing Kev and Bryant have to work together, which sounds like the dream partnership in that Kev is a bit like Kim in that he dives in to stuff head first without thinking and Bryant can be there to pull him back, as he does with Kim, but it's not like that. Kev, once again, has issues with being told what to do (when I suspect if he did just do as he was told, he would likely progress a bit quicker in his career if that's what he wants). But it was intriguing. It was also interesting seeing Kim outside her comfort zone. We're so used to Bryant being there to pull Kim back from the brink and bounce ideas off and the way the team works altogether is incredible. All of their four heads put together equals amazing police skills.
The fact the plot dealt with hate crimes was eye-opening, made me sick to my stomach but also made me glad more attention was coming to it. In an uncertain world, with people being told every day to "go back to their home countries", it's good it's being tackled in fiction. Hopefully it will open people's eyes, because it can't be nice to be beaten up because of your skin colour. Angela handles the plot so well and it just made me so angry because you know this is happening in the real world.
Dead Souls was another outstanding read. When I say Angela Marsons can do no wrong, I am no lying or pandering; she is genuinely one of the best crime writers around. Her books keep me entertained from start to finish, whether that's banter between the team or Dr A who was freaking hilarious, or just anything. I'm always on the edge of my seat and for two books now, there's been the promise of a shock, of a team member in jeopardy which I'm not a fan of, really but as long as no harm comes to any of their heads (there's only four of them! YOU CANNOT KILL ANY OF THEM OFF) they can be in a bit of jeopardy. I will allow it, but only from Angela. I can't wait for book seven, whenever that may arrive. I'll be pre-ordering it as soon as Amazon allows and devouring it the moment it is released.