Written on Oct 30, 2016
Dan Flores has written a richly detailed look at the America conservation movement and its attitude toward the coyote for the last century and half. A native of North America, the coyote has a rich history, which today continues to grow.
The coyote is a fascinating creature it's ability to adapt and survive has spanned 10,000 years and made it a true American icon. When the first White people arrived in America they did not know what to make of this "prairie wolf" but they did sense a threat, I had no idea that the government has waged a century old battle for the eradication of the coyote.
Early on the National Park Service was devising methods to eradicate wolves, mountain loins and coyotes. It was all out warfare - they shot and poisoned these animals without regard. They murdered these animals in the thousands.
Once again you run into what I feel is a continuing theme in present day American life. Is what we are doing the best for all of us or are we catering to the few? I feel this book shows that once again we have lost our way, we are continuing to do what we always have and it’s not really working. Is there away we can co-exist with nature and the other inhabitants of this planet?
This review was originally posted on The Pfaeffle Journal