I've been hoping for years now that Anita would go back to the crime scene work like in the early books. I really enjoyed reading about how she figured out who the killer or bad person was. All the information about police work and using her zombie raising power and other abilities.
This book? Started out with her doing that, in the form of her U.S. Marshall duties. There is a squick factor in that the crime she is investigating has to do with zombie porn. (Yes, you read that right.) But no explicit details are given. And there is a lot less sex between Anita and everyone than in previous books. There is still sex, more than one scene of it. But there was a lot more crime investigation, and zombie raising.
There was also some wereanimal politics. And more Asher and Kane (his lover) having hissy fits. I used to really like Asher. Now I just want him to either wise up and stop being such a brat of a toddler, or have him leave the city for good. Either works for me at this point really.
Manny is back in this book! He's around for quite a bit of it, and I loved getting to see him working with Anita again. We also get a bit of Larry, they actually start on the path of working their issues and he isn't as much of a jerk as he was portrayed last I heard about him.
Micah and Nathaniel were in this one a lot, Micah a bit more than Nathaniel. And we get a lot of Dev and Nicky as well. I like that Anita is trying to work on her issues, she even mentions going to therapy and trying not to take things out on the men in her life just because anger is easier.
The Rafael plotline didn't really get wrapped up, or have any kind of "is he still hurt or isn't he?" closure. Which is my main quibble. But over-all, I'm super happy with this book and I hope we get to see lots more detective work in the next book as well.
This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon