Written on May 11, 2016
First - the author really likes to use the words "whilst" and other "-st" words. Too much. It was distracting, but more of a pet peeve. It didn't get in the way of the content.
There were things that did get in the way of the content. First, the pictures needed to be in color. His examples referring to shading/background/shadow/gradients ... were meaningless when I looked at the black and white pictures. Also, hi-resolution references were lost in the pixelated pictures.
Also, he kept adding on to the code but not showing us where. I repeatedly flipped back, trying to find the original code. I would love to have seen a page (maybe at the end) with all of the code so I could more easily keep up. A list of all of the references mentioned in the book would have been nice, too.
Not the most user-friendly book, but a lot of good information.