Written on Sep 25, 2018
Naelin is a great addition. She is strong, has a lot of Life experience and a strong opinion. I think she and Daleina work great together, she doesn't take anything away from Daleina, but still manages to be a Queen next to her. The two of them seem to complete each other as Queen. Daleina has a lot more Experience as Queen and had more time to be prepared and knows all the theory that you need to know as Queen. Naelin has more life experience and really does seem to be "Mother of Aratay" as Daleina put it once
Merecot, however I did not like. I mean, she is a good Character in the book, and a good Villain, but I really wished after the first book, that she wouldn't be one of the bad ones, but that she could be Delaina's ally, as I really like her in "Queen of Blood". What annoyed me most about her Character is, that she never seems to have any regret. She tries to kill one of her friends, kills tons of innocent candidates (which are just children), wages a war, risks spirits going crazy in her homeland an still doesn't think that she did anything wrong! I get that she is in a tough position, because she has too many spirits, but how does that make this right? As I understand it, it's not as if Aratay had to view spirits, so they don't need the Spirits of Semo. They would probably have to kill some Spirits of Aratay to make more room for the ones of Semo and I don't see how Merecot could think that is good.
I loved how Alet was treated in this book, she finally becomes a Character of her own, instead of being to cute little sister that provides some sense of family and becomes a strong, capable person of her own.
So, generally a really good addition to the Queens of Renthia. I hope, that we get to see more of Semo and the other Countries in the next book, I am really curious how things are in the three countries, we haven't heard of until now. Oh, and Sara Beth Durst, don't you dare kill off Bayn in the next book!