Written on Nov 20, 2013
Jeremy and Erica are both are incredibly stubborn people. He keeps pushing her to give their relationship a try, but she's adamant to keep him in the friend zone. It's obvious that he still loves her, and she actually does love him back, but she can't be with him because of...reasons! I absolutely cannot stand when people tell other people how they feel and use that as an excuse rather than owning up to their own issues. This is essentially the heart of Try Me, since Erica constantly tells Jeremy that they can't have a relationship but she won't tell him why. She has a secret, that I won't spoil, but she tries to convince Jeremy (and herself) that he can't possibly love her because of it, even though it's something totally out of her control and really nothing to be ashamed of. But of course, her secret comes out, Jeremy seems to love her even more because of it, they do the sexy thing, and live happily ever after.
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