Charli G.
Written on Oct 6, 2015
Sight focused on Savannah, who is able to see the future. Literally see the future and the occasional ghost. But while she can see the future and the occasional ghost, her sister Serena (who happens to be one of a set of triplets along with Savannah) is able to hear the future and the occasional ghost. Sound is Serena's story.
I found Sound to be a great, quick read. I read it in a little over 24 hours, although had I not had other things to do, I probably would have devoured it in a couple of hours like I did with Sight. The concept is simple - 5 sisters (a set of twins and a set of triplets) who happen to share a psychic ability - each can see the future via a particular sense. Talia - feel, Tamara - taste, Savannah - sight, Serena - sound, Sasha - smell. When they "connect" they can get a "full picture" for the vision. It's a great concept and one I'd never seen before in books that deal with psychic phenomena.
Like Sight before it, Sound compasses a bit of teen romance along with the paranormal that makes it a perfect combination. The action from the paranormal keeps the book moving along at a great clip and the romance portion just rounds it out. After all, we all need love, even psychic teens!
The characters are well-rounded and well thought out. Each is unique in their own right and make the story a joy to read. And you'd never guess who is in danger from the beginning - even the sisters had it wrong!
Do yourself a favor and check out Sound (and Sight for that matter). You won't be disappointed!
**I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.**