I listened to the first book not long after it came out. It was not a story that blew my socks off. It was okay and a decent start to the series. I was hoping that book two would come out so that we could learn a little more about the world. I relistened to The Drafter before starting this book because, while I remember the main parts of the story, I didn’t remember many of the minute details. I can say that I didn’t like or dislike this book more than the first time through.
Upon starting this book, I was really hoping that this book would really set me to loving this series, but alas, it did not. I think for me, I didn’t really click with any of the characters. Silas is really the only one I liked. I don’t really like Peri all that much. She always seems to find herself in trouble and not able to get herself out of it. She seems to bring everyone around her down with her. She also seems to throw herself a pity party over the fact that she loses her memory. I’m sure that can be scary, but it is something that all drafters have to deal with.
I’m also not a huge fan of the love triangle thing that is going on between Peri, Silas and Jack. While Peri normally would push that she had no feelings for Jack any more, she still seems to rely on him too much after all that he’s done to her to trust him. I don’t think it would take much for her to go back to him.
I missed some of the characters we met in the first book, like; Howard and Taf. Some people return, like Bill, Allen and of course, I mentioned Jack and Silas. We have some new characters in this book, Cam (who I have no idea why he was such a large part to the storyline), LB and Fatman, Harmony, Michael and Helen. Of the new characters, I liked LB the most. He was a drug dealer who could draft, but didn’t realize it until Peri told him. He thought he was having blackouts.
The suspense in this story is pretty good. You never know what is going to happen next. There are several different groups, all with their own agenda all fighting for Peri. But the overall theme is that Peri is running for her life.
January LaVoy is a great narrator. She does a great job with the different characters. She really puts the correct inflection for each mood and scene. I love her men and women’s voices. If you haven’t given Ms. LaVoy a try, I highly recommend her.