Written on Oct 27, 2013
I had a very busy weekend and I needed some quick reads with everything I like in it...these 3 stories definitely met my criteria. I like to read stories that are sexy, well written (no spelling or grammar mistakes) and they must keep my attention.
The first story, Play With Me by Lisa Renee Jones, was a sexy read, with a handsome, rich H who know what he wants and goes out and gets it. The h is getting over an ugly break up with her boyfriend, which destroys her relationship with her father...Dad's a D*ck!! I'm a fan of Ms Jones so I was not surprised it was my favourite of the three.
The next book is Snowfall by Mary Ann Rivers and my second favourite story. This is my second book by Ms Rivers and she definitely has a certain style. If anyone has read [bc:The Story Guy|17411704|The Story Guy|Mary Ann Rivers|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1367531097s/17411704.jpg|24256141] which was great, both stories have a medical reference. Snowfall is about a microbiologist who is loosing her sight and she needs to adjust her life accordingly...hard stuff, but very thought provoking. The H is her therapist helping her transition to the obstacles she will face. He is very sweet and I just wanted to give him a hug at the end. My only negative, too much science stuff, I even skimmed a bit. Still a great story.
The third book, After Midnight by Serena Bell was my third favourite (can't say least favourite as it is still a great story) but I'm not really into the whole met you for 15 minutes and couldn't get you out of my head thingy. Nearly a whole year thinking they missed out on THE ONE and of course in the end they WERE meant for each other...a bit cheesy. I'm also not really into Heroes so down on themselves...I need them to be confident and in charge (sucker for an Alpha Male). He gets there but only with the help of his mate Owen and the h.
All three books had sexy stuff in them...which is a must for me. Any of these books could have been full length, but were still great as a short story.