Written on Apr 30, 2014
I love reading Wil Wheaton's stories about his life. I can't remember which book I read first, Just a Geek or Dancing Barefoot, but I always find myself connecting with what he has to say. The Happiest Days of Our Lives was no exception.
Admittedly, a former teen crush on Wesley Crusher sparked my interest in Wheaton's books, wanting to know more about the actual person behind the character; but the Star Trek connection isn't what keeps me reading his books (or his blog, or his Twitter feed). Wheaton isn't much older than I am and we have similar geeky interests, so there's plenty of "coming of age in the '80s" nostalgia I can relate to. His reflections and observations from childhood have me nodding along in agreement. And there are times when I think about how weird it is that I'm a parent now... wait, I'm a grownup?!. His stories make me feel Wheaton understands that, too. There's an author/reader camaraderie within the pages of his books.
If you enjoy memoirs and are looking for something novella-length, don't miss The Happiest Days of Our Lives. It contains stories on being a geek, the joy that comes with passing your childhood interests along to your children, saying goodbye to parts of your past, and more. Wheaton writes about life openly and honestly, with thoughtfulness and humor. You can't help but appreciate his insight and perspective.