So first thing first, I choose this book because of its' cover. It is beautiful, and truth be told, I am easily swayed by a pretty cover. Luckily for me, it wasn't just the cover that was beautiful, the story between the covers was also gorgeous. It is a little slow out of the gate but stick with it, and I promise you will not be disappointed.
The writing was fantastic. The setting atmospheric. I'll be honest, I knew nothing about the dust bowl before reading this book, but this author did a tremendous job of making me feel like I was experiencing the grit, despair, and hopelessness right along with the residents of Nowhere, Oklahoma. The characters were well developed and intriguing. I loved Jeremiah Goodbye and Peter Cotton. Can't say I was a huge fan of Ellen, but this book was full of interesting characters for sure. The plot was unique and engaging with a thread of magical realism woven throughout. I loved the added element of the coin flipping and the typewriter. All that said, my favorite part of this book was the last 20% or so. Perseverance, forgiveness, kindness, and hope. The letters, and the roses. I'll admit, I had a few tears in my eyes watching this town come back to life. Not only come back to life but THRIVE. It was a powerful ending with a powerful message.
Nothing more left to say really. I am so happy that this cover caught my eye. And this was another great read that reminded me that I have to step out of the romance genre box more often. This one gets two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.