Sarah’s Choice was an interesting novel. I wanted to really really like it, as the narrative voice was strong and I liked Sarah as a character – she was forthright from the start and I could understand her confusion and hesitation when she finds out she’s pregnant and realises it will mess with her promotion plans. I could tell the decision over whether to keep her baby or not was a tough one and for the most part, I enjoyed her journey, but there was a bit but for me. A big red flag.
See, I’m not religious in the slightest. I don’t know how I feel about god, it isn’t something I think about, it isn’t something I generally believe in, although I am able to accept that people do believe in and talk to god and that is cool – for them. It’s their prerogative, but it’s not something I want to read about. And, sadly, despite not knowing better, Sarah’s Choice is filled with religion. It’s wasn’t overly religious, and it wasn’t so bad I stopped reading, it just wasn’t my cup of tea and if I had known before hand I’ll hold my hands up and say I wouldn’t have read the book. Because it just isn’t for me, it’s that simple.
But, I did enjoy the novel. Yes, I found Sarah’s mother Agnes rather overbearing with her over reliance on god, and I did wish religion didn’t have to come into a matter about whether or not to keep a baby, but I can appreciate that that’s how it was for Sarah and her family. I’m not swayed or anything, but I enjoyed the book for what it’s worth. The ending was a tad much for me – because I’m not a believer really, but apart from that it wasn’t so bad. The writing was great, and I very much enjoyed Sarah’s friendship with the lovely Audrey. It was definitely an interesting read, but do be aware that religion is featured if it’s not your thing – although, it isn’t my thing and I actually liked the novel, so who knows? It’s good to know I can appreciate a novel that I wouldn’t normally consider, period.