Written on Dec 14, 2016
Cassius, on the other hand, is going through with his plans of starting a war between the Ceresians and the Tribunals. Kalliope was the first shot in the war, with both sides blaming each other. While he is meeting with Zaimur Morastus, the head of the Morastus clan, he is contacted by Sage via a telecom device that he had put into her prosthetic arm. Cassius is Sage’s ticket to getting onto the Tribune vessel that is holding Elisha.
After they meet up with Cassius and discuss their plans to rescue Elisha. At that time, Talon and Tarsis are also introduced to ADIM….which causes quite the commotion. After the initial shock of meeting ADIM, a plan is launched to rescue Elisha. It involves ADIM taking over 500 androids to assist them when they rescue Elisha.
The rest of the book is fantastic. I think I devoured the pages of the battle to get Elisha and shed a tear when Tarsis gave his life so Talon, Elisha and Sage could escape. Cassius got his revenge on the Tribunal but his deceit was discovered by Talon and Sage. The war between the Ceresians and the Tribunals escalate. While those two factions are fighting, Cassius slips away to do something that will have consequences beyond the war.
I loved Sage in this book. She become 100% human, instead of a tool of the Tribunal. Her relationship with Talon was complicated but it was her relationship with Cassius that was even more complicated than her one with Talon. She looked at Cassius as a father that she never had and he viewed her as a daughter and he just wanted to better her world….in his own way.
Talon really came alive in this book. Even though he had a death sentence, he still fought against the Tribunals with everything that he had. The love for his daughter eclipsed everything in this book. I will admit that I wasn’t happy with certain events in the book. I actually got very mad and yelled at my Kindle.
Cassius remained in my top 3 favorite characters. Even though he started a war and did some very bad things, he wasn’t a bad guy. He was a father, grieving for his child and wanting to get revenge for what his death. He also wanted to bring down The Tribunal. So, his actions, at least to me, did make sense. As did him building an android that eventually could think for itself and that he considered his child (well it was his child…kwim).
The ending of the book was bittersweet. Just leaving it at that. I do hope that there will be more books written in this universe.
The whole series is definitely worth reading. If you do decide to read the series, my suggestion would to read it one after another, with no pauses for other books. The author intended for the book to be on continuous story but separated it into 3 books because he didn’t want to chance that the book would be too long.
**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**