Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
Written on Jun 17, 2019
Wow! What a debut novel! Kearns has talent, that's for sure! I really wasn't sure what I would think of this novel, honestly, but I was quite surprised. The romance and suspenseful elements of the story are portrayed well within the pages of the book. And the characters truly come to life for the reader.
I loved the portrayal of Laura and Jack. Laura wanted to save her marriage, and like any woman wanting to do that, would do anything to save it, so she followed her husband to Indonesia, and that's where the page turning, gripping story line truly starts. There is romance blended with suspense and the reader is taken on an interesting roller coaster ride.
If you want a book that will grip you instantly, make you fall in love with characters and keep you hooked until the last page is reach, then Kearns has the perfect book for you. It's 4 star worthy, and definitely one I will read again, and be recommending to others! Hats off to Kearns for a great debut!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*