Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 14, 2017
I have to admit that I absolutely love the idea of making manga versions of all the classics! It’s so simple yet brilliant! I’m not so secretly hoping to see a Secret Garden one come out next. That would make me the happiest girl in the world!
I think the best part about doing a manga classics series is that it’s fantastic for both fans and for those that have never read the books. They’re condensed (because obviously there’s no way to include entire sets of details or conversations as they were originally written) which is perfect for anybody that’s been a little intimidated by a book previously. The way I see it, isn’t it better for something like this to be read than for it to be skipped entirely? Plus fans will enjoy the new twist and seeing the stories portrayed in this art style. I know I did!
I decided to start my read through of the manga classics with Pride & Prejudice, being that it’s probably one of my favorite books of all time. I literally read it once a year every year. So reading it first just felt like a natural starting point for me.
I thought the portrayal of the Bennet sisters as manga characters was actually pretty perfect. Many of the characters lend well to this art style. Jane was stunning, as expected. Elizabeth pretty and bright. Kitty and Linda silly and younger. Darcy as striking but regal. They were all perfect. Though I’ll admit Mr. Collins character probably had me laughing the most. While all the other characters got more serious/artistic designs, Mr. Collins was relegated to near Chibi status. How appropriate!
Having read Pride & Prejudice so many times, it’s easy to spot where a conversation has been condensed, or when details are shown rather than told (a nice touch, by the way). I actually am ok with, and even liked, most of the changes made. Never was anything vital cut out, with the focus where it needed to be. Additionally nothing extra was thrown in. Stacy King clearly did her research and did her best to stay true to the original.
Seeing my favorite parts of Pride & Prejudice in drawing form was really quite wonderful. It brought a whole new element to the mix, one I greatly enjoyed. I can’t wait to read the rest of the manga classics!
For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks