Written on Jul 4, 2016
Not rating because I didn't finish Moonshot. I accepted an ARC of Moonshot to read and review, it wasn't forced on me and my bias would have lowered my rating.
I'm sorry to say but this was not a win for me. I could easily say that it's not the book it's me and to some extent that's true. I call myself a reviewer and I take it pretty seriously. I don't just take on ARC's willy nilly, I study the synopsis, check out the author's other works and see if they seem compatible with my style. I know what I like and I know what I don't like. I know that I don't like rating books low, so I choose books that I think I'll like. Sometimes, even after due diligence, a reviewer can still pick a book that appeals to the mind, appeals to the senses...but just does not work. Unfortunately, Moonshot's appeal didn't work this time.
I'm not going to generalise it and say cheating, I have a problem with romances that centre around a disrespect for marriage vows. I know in this day and age I'm prehistoric in my ideals, but it makes me sad...and I just don't like it.
To each, his own and all that jazz, don't judge this book on my opinion alone. Take the time to read what other's say, and you may find Moonshot appeals to your mind, appeals to your senses and works perfectly for you.