Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Biological/Biomedical Sciences & Health-Related Medical Professions 2017 contains profiles of more than 6,600 graduate programs at nearly 1,200 institutions in the biological/biomedical sciences and health-related medical professions. Informative data profiles are included for these graduate programs in every available discipline in the biological and biomedical sciences and health-related medical professions, including facts and figures on accreditation, degree requirements, application deadlines and contact information, financial support, faculty, and student body profiles. Two-page in-depth descriptions, written by featured institutions, offer complete details on specific graduate program, school, or department as well as information on faculty research and the college or university. Comprehensive directories list programs in this volume, as well as others in the graduate series.
- ISBN10 076894094X
- ISBN13 9780768940947
- Publish Date 13 December 2016
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Out of Print 27 January 2021
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Peterson's Guides,U.S.
- Edition 51st ed.
- Format Hardcover
- Language English