Written on May 16, 2013
~Arc Review~
Well, what a pleasant surprise!
I can honestly say I didn't know what to expect of this book (my first physical Arc!), what with the short blurb and everything.
So, I was quite surprised to find I actually really liked it; Chasing the Dark is a young adult/middle grade take on the old detective story-line of solving a mystery, and I've got to admit, I enjoyed Joe's young perspective of things, and simply had to know how this particular mystery ends.
The book started kind of slow. Not boring-when-do-the-interesting-bits-come-into-play?! kind of slow, but the kind of slow you get when you're learning to know the main character, his situation and the painful circumstances he finds himself in. Also, the kind of slow you get when the main character himself still hasn't figured out there's something off going on.
But once Joe smells something fishy...
To read the rest of the review, go to my blog, here