Written on Mar 31, 2019
I really enjoyed my step back in time reading A Rose in Winter but it also brought back a horrific memory. I have loved historical romances for many years and would save up every dollar I had to buy more. I look back at that time with fondness and even wish I could get back to that time where life didn't have as many interruptions. The horrific part of that memory...I gave away all my paperback's when I got married. I mistakenly thought *I have the love of my life in front of me, I don't need to read romance any more.* Yes, I'm a bloody idiot!
I made the mistake of sneaking a peek at a spoiler before I started A Rose in Winter.
Do not look at spoilers as it will ruin your whole experience. You don't need it. Sure, you might suffer a little anxiety but if you really put your mind to it, I'm sure you'll work out the mystery in good time.
This was a great story but it was LOOOOONG!! I'm out of practice reading these long and overly descriptive stories. I think I've become impatient and looking for the quick fix instead of sitting back and enjoying the ride. I need to be more relaxed about my reading experiences and appreciate the effort and skill the authors show when they set their scenes.
Erienne was a heroine I came to admire. At times I was frustrated with her shallow beliefs but then again she was surrounded by people who looked at her and only saw a pretty face. I would have loved to step in a few times and hand out a lecture or two. Her father was one of the most horrid characters I've ever met and he never learnt from his mistakes.
If I could only step back in time...I would NOT donate my beautiful paperbacks AND I would NOT look at the spoiler for this one.
If you enjoy a good historical romance with plenty of grit and a lot of accuracies (or what I think of as accurate) portraying the hardships of women at that time, I highly recommend A Rose in Winter. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.